9 Healthy Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds

Chia seeds, how can these tiny seeds be healthy for you? I wondered, is this another fad or “super food” or are they truly good for you. I have found chia at my local grocer but it is expensive. Since I consume so much chia, I was happy to buy it in bulk from Amazon.ca and Amazon.com.I found ten reasons to eat these powerhouses:

Chia is Healthy for Starters

1. Number one would be weight loss. A tablespoon of chia contains 10 grams of fibre. Some say that a high fibre diet can help you lose weight, the jury is still out on that one. But added to water, chia can absorb 10-12 times it’s volume in water, this makes you feel full so you do not consume too much food.

2. Chia is great for colon health. Again the fibre thing, diets high in fibre are great for colon health, chia turns into a gelatinous substance which makes your poop moist and slippery. Chia absorbs water which makes you thirstier, you drink more water. More water is good for head to toe health including colon health.

3. Chia is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can thin your blood and lower your blood pressure. This can be a problem if you already have low blood pressure. For vegans, who don’t eat fish, chia is a great source of omega-3.

4. Chia is high in fibre it can reduce risk of diabetes. Fibre is the good carbohydrates and sugar is the bad. When looking at carbohydrate counting, you can actually subtract the fibre carbs from the total carbs of the food. I was looking at the package of chia seeds, one tablespoon has 5 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of these carbs are fibre.

5. Chia is a wonderful source of protein. Muscles are made of protein and need a continuous supply especially if you get plenty of exercise, protein fuels the muscle

Vitamins and Minerals

  1. Chia contains calcium which is good for bones. A three tablespoon serving of chia is almost equal to one glass of milk. I was reading that as many as 50% of postmenopausal and older, women will have bones break due to osteoporosis.
  2. Chia contains plenty of vitamins and trace minerals. One is boron which works with calcium to strengthen bones. Copper works to form hemoglobin and collagen. Niacin or B3 goes to work on the skin, digestive track, nervous system, heart health and preserving cognition. It is also used to lower cholesterol levels. Zinc is great for the immune system, blood clotting and the thyroid. Potassium keeps the body hydrated and works in the heart, kidneys brain and muscles. Phosphorus works with calcium to strengthen the bones and helps build the cell membranes. There are also essential fatty acids such as vitamin A, B, E and D.


Disease Fighting

  1. The body fights disease by inflammation. When the body produces too much inflammation, it is called autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease such as type 1 diabetes, lupus, MS and celiac disease is when the body thinks of healthy cells as foreign and begins to fight them. Processed foods from the modern diet has a lot of omega-6 which produces inflammation. Omega 6 is found in corn, peanut, safflower and sunflower oil.These are used because they are cheaper. The omega-3 found in such foods as olive oil, coconut oil, flax and chia is anti-inflammatory will balance out those omega-6s making the body settle down.
  2. Because chia is rich in antioxidants it helps prevent cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals (molecules that are produced when the body is exposed to things like radiation from the sun and tobacco smoke). Keep in mind that your body needs a wide variety of antioxidants from a varied diet. Antioxidants are great for the skin, promoting tissue repair and prevent premature aging.


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