Six Reasons to drink plenty of water

So many articles out there that tell you to drink plenty of water. Is it all hype? How much should we drink? Is bottled water better for you? So many questions, I will find the answers.

How much Water Should you Drink?

I read that it is actually nine cups or 72 ounces a day. But do not overdo, you can also drink also too much. The electrolytes can become depleted causing a different set of problems.It is so difficult to get all that water into you. But some of it comes from food as well, things like fruit, vegetable or soups contain water.

I have been purchasing True Lemon natural drink mixes from Amazon. Just add them to your water bottle or a large glass (500 ml or 2 cup size). They are all natural and use Splenda instead of Aspertame.

Here are the reasons I found why drinking water is so important:

  • It removes waste from our body by sweating, peeing and pooping. Having lots to drink helps us to avoid constipation which causes lots of problems especially in the comfort area. If we have adequate water, our kidneys work better which in turn lessens the chance of kidney stones forming. Also fewer urinary tract infections happen.
  • Water keeps our blood flowing. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients throughout our body and takes toxins away. This helps helps our immune system. Drinking plenty keeps our blood pressure in check. Blood that flows well is also great for heart health.
  • The brain is made mostly of water and by having the brain well hydrated , it helps us concentrate, focus and stay alert. One of the first signs of dehydration is a headache. (dehydration is a cause for hangover headaches)
  • If you drink water before a meal it will make you feel full so you eat less and helps you loose weight.
  • It will make your the cells in your puff making it softer.
  • Water helps lubricate your joints to lessen discomfort there.

I pledge to drink the required amount of water. I believe that many of our complaints may be due to dehydration. You can tell if you are getting enough by the colour of your pee. If it is dark yellow, you need to drink more. So try it for awhile you may see a marked improvement in your overall health.

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