Balanced Diet Vitamins Minerals
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Why did I create this glossary of Vitamins and Minerals? Well mostly for me to keep these straight in my head and so I would need to write them over and over.

Vitamins and minerals can be very confusing, I found this out by researching for my food and diet blogs. Instead of me repeating the definitions of each vitamin and each mineral.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is very important for vision (eat those carrots), immune system, surface tissues like the  skin, intestines, lungs bladder and inner ear. Also good for reproductive system and fetal growth which only are important to younger people. Getting enough vitamin A is important but getting to much is also a problem. Vitamin A falls under the fat soluble vitamins which means it is stored in the liver if you consume too much. In a healthy diet, it is impossible or very rare to consume too much, it is mostly caused by supplements.

A healthy diet gives you proper amounts of fat soluble vitamins but if there is cirrhosis of the liver and cystic fibrosis can cause a shortage of fat-soluble vitamin A. It is notable as well, digestion problems like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease

Fish and Meat that contain vitamin A are:

  • cod liver oil,
  • tuna (tuna is known to contain mercury)
  • mackerel
  • salmon
  • beef and chicken liver
  • trout

Vegetables and fruits having vitamin A are:

  • carrots
  • butternut squash
  • sweet potatoes
  • leafy greens
  • red bell peppers
  • tomatoes
  • cantaloupe
  • apricots
  • pink grapefruit

Other things that contain vitamin A are:

  • eggs
  • ricotta cheese
  • chedddar cheese


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