It is Never to late or You are Never too Old to Begin Something New
It is never to late to begin something new. For some reason older people are being pushed out of their life long career and find themselves working at minimum wage jobs doing shit work they don’t love. Or maybe their career didn’t bring joy and they are looking for something else, they want to make a difference and do something they love.
What Makes Your Heart Sing?
Do you have interest you would like to pursue? What makes your heart sing? Have you abandoned dreams, it is never too late time to get them out, dust them off and have another look. If you are retired and have a comfortable income maybe you can volunteer. Start at the bottom, learn the ropes. Maybe it is a lifelong hobby or a new hobby.
Childhood Dreams
What did you want to be when you grew up, what was your childhood dream. Say it was animal care, I am sure there are kennels, stables, or even a veterinarian could use some help.
If you loved being surrounded by your friends, maybe you are a people person, you could help out in a soup kitchen or one of the various shelters for homeless youths or battered women. It is never too late for you and especially not too late for these people.
What are You Good At?
What are you good at? Are you marketing guru, many not for profits would love to have your help and ideas with their fundraising. Remember we have experience on the giving end of fundraising, we know what works and what turns us off.
Take a course though your local college with continuing education, Skill Share, Udemy, Freelance University, classes that can be taken on your phone during breaks at work or free time. Maybe you haven’t done what you love all your life, now is your chance. It may be knitting or crocheting things to sell on Etsy or Facebook. I find YouTube is great help when you get stuck with a new stitch or technique. If you are really good at something maybe you could offer a night course or online course. The great thing about creating a course online is you don’t have to actually be there. A client would buy the course and be able to do it in their own time. You can make money while you sleep.
It is Never too Late to Own Your Own Business
Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Starting your own business is easier now than ever before. Many things can be done at home.
First Up, Blogging
Take blogging for example, a friend of mine, Suzi Whitford, makes a six figure income teaching people how to start a successful blog. Check her out, Start a Mom Blog. Her courses are intuitive with step by step information.I didn’t grow up at ease on a computer and I really needed someone to hold my hand.
Virtual Assistant
Many small businesses hire virtual assistants to do things they do not have time to do.They are not able to hire someone full time person on site. A VA can do office work virtually; administration, marketing, graphic design or, if you are a techie, website design. Do numbers turn you on, maybe that rush of adrenaline you feel when debits and credits equal is what you crave. Then take a few courses in bookkeeping. Some people do bookkeeping online as a virtual assistant. Check out Freelance University, they have everything you need to get started in an online business. They have tons of courses available for a small monthly charge.
You Could Do Better than Anyone
Ever saw someone doing something for a living knowing you could do that better? For me it is Marketing, working in a bakery in a large grocery store. I see all sorts of tricks with product placement, some work, some fail. Speaking of failures, I know I can make it better just with a little thought but since decisions are made half around the country my hands are tied hands.
People at the grassroots level know things that faraway people in offices cannot comprehend. But there is something to learn from what works and what doesn’t. For example, put a display of specialty coffee and teas near the muffins and cookies? My own company doesn’t have issues in upper management because I am the upper management. Be sure to read my blog on time management, because time is still to be managed, now more than ever.
Jump out of Bed with a Smile
Whatever you decide, make sure you are able to jump out of bed with excitement of what the day brings. I recommend a book by Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday. In this book, Mel teaches you how to countdown 5-4-3-2-1 and get out of bed in anticipation of a new day. This will certainly help but what I find is knowing I am not alone and there are solutions to these obstacles. So don’t reinvent the wheel, read the book.
Happy exploring!