Weight Loss Diets and New Year’s
In the New Year weight loss diets are on the minds of many of us. As we approach the holidays and the New Year, all eating habits and thoughts of weight loss dieting go out the window. The first thing I do is start my Christmas baking. Trust me, none of this stuff is seen on diets. Cherry surprises, shortbread cookies, and chocolate macaroons are the first things that come out of my oven. I usually run out of these and bake them all again. The second wave is apple crisp and apple pie. Of course, I eat these because they are there, I don’t even like cherry surprises but I eat them anyway because they are there. Is this common? Sometimes I feel like I am one of a kind.
Weight Loss Diet, Candy? No Way!
Then the candy comes out, I buy enough to fill stockings for our whole street, but I don’t, I am forced to eat these all by myself. I cannot put them out, my partner is diabetic. Silly thing I realised about myself this year, an open bag of candy or a full candy dish are magnets for me. If I put the candy in a bag that is closed in a cupboard, I will stay away. Damn the person who put the giant box of chocolates on the coffee table. (You know who you are!)
Special Note to Diabetics
I was reading so many people in our age range are diabetic. If you think about dieting as a diabetic, you must be very careful. I really really advise you to speak to your doctor, dietitian or diabetic specialist before attempting any weight loss diet. Many diabetics are on drugs that are regulated toward the amount of food or carbohydrates they eat. Getting too much or too little can be equally problematic. These specialists are trained to come up with the correct formula to help you reach a healthier weight and will be more than happy to assist.
Weight Loss Diets
When researching weight loss diets in-depth the more I read, the more questions I had. It seems eating less and exercising more does not cut it. I found a website with tons of information you may want to check out. Getting your body to a certain level for it to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Then I read if you don’t eat enough carbohydrates, your body starts burning muscle. There are so many different diets I will post a blog for each of the different well-known ones. I won’t bother with the Cabbage Soup Diet or the Calories In, Calories Out Diet because they ranked at the bottom. (the Cabbage Soup Diet, doesn’t sound yummy).
Goal Setting
When you start your diet, record your weight and measurements as well as your desired weight and measurements. Always remember that fat weighs more than muscle. That way you set your goals, you will know when you have reached them. Don’t forget to check out my blog on goal setting. A goal that is not written down may be forgotten.