Arthritis can be a Pain in Any Joint
What is Arthritis?
Osteoarthritis can be a Pain! Is osteoarthritis the same as rheumatoid arthritis? The answer is yes as far as joint pain goes, but not as far as everything else. The term arthritis covers over 100 diseases. Osteoarthritis or OA happens as a result of wear and tear on the joints as the body ages or following an injury. A joint injury that doesn’t quite heal perfectly and the joint no longer fits perfectly can be the cause or maybe the cartilage between the joints is thinning or becoming hard. There isn’t any blood flow to cartilage to feed it therefore it cannot regrow once it is gone. There is no medicine that can make it better but you can manage the pain with medicinal rubs, physio therapy or even steroid shots.
Primary and Secondary Osteoarthritis
Primary osteoarthritis is the most common, this follows normal wear and tear on the joints mainly due to age. Secondary osteoarthritis usually follows an injury from sports or repeated use of a joint maybe in the person’s job or hobby. For me, I worked these past two years in retail, I pick up a product and turn it until I see the bar code, then I scan it. This constant turning of my hand resulted in hand pain. Actually my hand pain started with using a mouse, I got an ergonomic mouse which turned my hand ever so slightly which made it much better.In my job squatting to reach those lower shelves in the bakery killed my knee. I now understand why people say, “I can’t get down there” or “HELP! I am down and I can’t get up!” Again, I say, Osteoarthritis can be a Pain.
There is a Big Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease, which means the body’s immune system fights healthy cells. It may be accompanied by a fever. RA can cause the joint to be swollen and it feels warm.The person could have more than one autoimmune disease. If you suspect you have RA, you must seek medical help, persist until you feel that your needs have been addressed. Do not pass this off as a “getting older” excuse. Interesting note, people who consume a moderate amount of alcohol have less of a chance getting RA. This may explain Granny Clampett’s rhumatiz medicine. XXX Sorry if I am dating you!
Cartilage and Osteoarthritis
Between the bones, in joints, there is a cushion that is known as cartilage. This is the what ears are made of. After awhile the cartilage wears down and loses it elasticity and bones rub on bones in the joint. But once it wears thin, it doesn’t heal or get thicker. It has no blood vessels to feed and replace it. Also there is no medicine that can make it better. You can manage the pain with exercise, medicinal rubs, physio therapy or even steroid shots. Drinking more water can help lubricate joints. See my blog on why drinking water is so beneficial.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease meaning this is where the body’s immune system is fighting the body, it believes healthy cells are bad and it attacks those healthy cells therefore it may be accompanied by a fever as the body tried to get rid of these bad cells. If you suspect you have RA, you must seek medical help, keep at the doctors until you feel that your needs have been addressed.
In closing you can do things to make more Osteoarthritis a bit more comfortable. Osteoarthritis can be a pain, take it easy, don’t overdo. Exercise in a way that isn’t jolting to your joints, eat well, drink water and take time to love yourself, you will be in a better place.