Self Loving Kindness
Do you love yourself? Its hard, I know. To look into the mirror and say, I love you. That is tough, it must be practised. The first time, you will probably laugh your head off. Don’t give up, and please don’t overdo it either.
Loving Kindness
With Self Loving Kindness, you must learn to talk to yourself like you would talk to a good friend. Next time you hear negative self talk, ask yourself, would I say that to my good friend, Betty? No, it would hurt her feelings. You have feelings too. Look at yourself in the mirror (there is that awful M word again) find the best things about your face, your body, your hair.
Loving Kindness
Also loving kindness, you may notice things about you that could stand to be improved. You notice that you are slouching. Take note and stand straighter. If there are dark circles under your eyes, maybe you are not getting enough sleep. Also maybe you need more consistent sleep. Going to bed and getting up the same time each day will help with your sleeping. Try meditation. First thing in the morning is best but make sure you are not still in bed.
A Good Night’s Sleep equals Loving Kindness
Speaking of sleep, it may be from worrying. If worrying keeps you awake, jot those things down on a pad kept on your night stand. Do a brain dump write down everything. Remember, no screens in bed. I have a kindle but the words are almost like a book. The newer ones have background light that adjusts from white to amber which is so much easier on the eyes. A computer or phone screens are bluish, that is what keeps you awake. I just realized my optometrist fitted me with a pair of glasses that filter out the blue light. I never wear them, maybe I should start. Checking into this, I saw doom scrolling and rabbit holes are liable to prevent a good sleep. Goggle always puts some juicy headlines on my phone when I surf the net. I go to research something, a really great headline comes up and down that rabbit hole I go. I forget what I am looking up altogether.