Tofu is Made from Soy; Good or Bad?

What is it?

Tofu is a great source of protein for the body. Proteins, along with 20 different amino acids are the building blocks of the body. The body makes 11 of these amino acids from protein but some called the essential amino acids must come from the foods we eat. Meats contain all the essential amino acids so they are known as complete proteins. Soybeans are one of the complete proteins that come from plants, ¾ cup of firm tofu has 26 grams of protein. But not just protein, soy is a great source of iron and calcium. Diabetics like the fact that Tofu is low in carbohydrates.

Tofu is also known as bean curd is made from soy milk. First soybeans are soaked in water overnight then ground up and heated and passed through cheesecloth to extract the milk from the soy hulls. After that, a coagulant is added to make the curds and whey separate. The coagulant mostly used is also known as nigari which is made from magnesium chloride or deep-sea brine. Then it is pressed into forms. Silken has more liquid than firm.

Why Tofu?

Vegans are using this soy product for a protein substitute but the naysayers are giving it a bad rap. I find that tofu doesn’t have a lot of flavour on its own but I love the way it will take on the flavour of what it is paired with. A local Chinese restaurant serves it in seafood soup. It is beautiful, garnished with a bit of cilantro plus a dash of red vinegar. Lovely on a cold Canadian winter day! If you like heat, here is a great little recipe for Magic Garlic Tofu I found on the web. You will never think of tofu as boring again.

Is Tofu Good for You?

Tofu is made from soy which in recent years has been given a bad rap. There is a type of estrogen called isoflavones found in soy. High amounts of estrogen have been linked to breast cancer, female fertility problems, and thyroid issues. But people looked to the East and thought, well Asians eat tons of soy and they are healthy so eating soy must be healthy. What people didn’t take into account was the fact that Asians generally eat a healthier diet than people in the West eat. Less processed foods, less artificial sweeteners and so on Asians don’t eat as much soy as we think. Also when a person eats tofu in place of red meat, the health benefits outweigh the negative results.

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