Unexpected Job Loss, What Do I Do Now?
Job Loss, How do I cope?
There I was 59 years old and I found myself being walked out of work, standing in the parking lot wondering, what just happened. Job loss, mine has been described as “One of those Horror Stories Out there”. This was a job that I planned to retire from, I didn’t like it much but it was a pay cheque. Surely I could bear it for five more years.
Have you ever been in this position? On the one hand it was a relief to not have to walk through those doors again, but on the other, I was in shock. My world turned upside down, things didn’t matter anymore. The carefully saved vacation days for my trip with my grandson…. The new car I was drooling over, my health and dental plan, my work pals, all gone with the stoke of a pen. Job loss is not fun especially when it isn’t your idea.
Looking back the writing was on the wall.
Maybe there has been some Mistake…..
First emotion is denial, there must be some mistake, they will call me to apologize and ask me to come back, guess what, that didn’t happen. Then I thought my work friends would gather around to offer sympathy about my job loss. I hate to be cliche but, crickets! How dare they? I worked with some of them five years, then suddenly I was nameless, faceless.
Where Do I Start?
Take some time, you deserve it, take long walks, get away, take some vacation time. Do some reading of self help books, love yourself. Do some research, think of companies where employees seem happy, if you need some book learning, now is the time. Pack up your laptop go to a coffee shop, or use the computers at the library. Please don’t take the first job you see or you will regret it and be in the same place.
What is Your Mindset?
Look at this not as a setback but an opportunity, that last job was a stepping stone to greater things. Start networking, social media, especially Linked In is invaluable for this, find out what is out there, you will find things that interest you, connect with people. Check out articles on Linked In that speak to you, connect with the person who added it. Here is a difficult thing, give those people a call, find out exactly what their day looks like, this may resonate with you.
Who Can Help?
Where I live, there is a learning opportunity called OWL, Older Wiser Labour force. This program specializes in job loss for older people. It is seven weeks, they teach you to tweak your resume, write an intriguing cover letter that will cause an employer to beg for more. The hidden job market was also covered, some small to medium companies don’t want to purchase ads in the job search engines because it is very expensive and they may receive up to 300 applications they would have to wade though. Just think, you would be doing them a favor by giving them a call and saving them so much grief. It is a great place to connect with others that have similar needs.
Another way to cope with job loss is to volunteer with opportunities close to your heart. Our library has a program that will train you to help adults learn to read or newcomers to speak English. The food bank has tons of people to help near the holidays but not the rest of the year. If you can work with your hands, Habitat for Humanity maybe a good choice for you.
Whatever you do, reach out to others for help, don’t try to do this alone. I know, I would spend all day on job boards and do little else. Don’t be ashamed that you are not working, mention it to everyone you meet. Your friends and acquaintances may know of someone that needs someone like you. Network at every chance you have. If you have other ideas please let me know so I can add them. I want to share with all my friends.